Financial Services Guide (FSG)
This Financial Services Guide (FSG) is intended to inform you about us before we provide you with financial advice.
The FSG is an important document and a regulatory requirement under Corporations Law.
This document is issued by Newhaven Wealth ABN 79 154 224 914, holder of Australian Financial Licence Number 422120.
This document provides detailed information about Newhaven Wealth and its Corporate Authorised Representative InvestorsOnline Pty Ltd.
InvestorsOnline Pty Ltd
Representative Number 338176
Financial Services Guide
AFSL 422120
PO Box 601 Black Rock Vic 3193
Email Us
What Is The Purpose Of This Document?
This guide contains information about:
Newhaven Wealth
Your financial adviser - InvestorsOnline Pty Ltd
The financial planning services and products your financial adviser can provide
How Newhaven Wealth, your financial adviser and other related parties are paid for the financial planning services provided to you
Any associations or relationships that could create potential conflicts of interest
Details of who to contact should you have a complaint
Please retain this document for your reference and any future dealings with Newhaven Wealth.
Who is Newhaven Wealth?
Newhaven Wealth holds an Australian Financial Service Licence (422120) for providing both personal and general advice and can offer a range of financial services that are listed within this FSG.
Newhaven Wealth's primary responsibility is to you, our client. Our Authorised Representatives act on our behalf and Newhaven Wealth is responsible for the advice given. Newhaven Wealth has approved the distribution of this FSG.
Who is InvestorsOnline Pty Ltd?
InvestorsOnline Pty Ltd is a corporate authorised representative of Newhaven Wealth. Newhaven Wealth holds an Australian Financial Services Licence which includes authorisations to provide General advice designed to assist do-it-yourself investors who would like to limit the commissions paid to their financial adviser.
What kinds of financial services and products are available?
InvestorsOnline provides general financial advice about the risks, returns and features of various financial products. Information on InvestorsOnline websites is considered to be General Advice under the Corporations Law and does not consider a potential investors own personal needs, circumstances or objectives.
What do these services cost & How is InvestorsOnline paid?
InvestorsOnline website operates on a commission basis. We will either receive commissions as upfront, ongoing, or a combination of both for lodgement of your investment. The exact amount that we receive varies from investment to investment. The exact commission for each investment is shown on their respective screen.
Note that with many investments we will receive an upfront commission that is not taken from your investment funds. When this occurs we will provide you with a cash rebate to provide an initial return on the funds invested.
Other benefits
Some product providers may give Newhaven Wealth or your financial adviser non-commission benefits such as entertainment or sponsorship. Both Newhaven Wealth and your financial adviser maintain a register in line with industry standards to document any alternative forms of payment received. This register is publicly available and must be provided within 7 days of the request date.
Personal information & Mail List
Personal information that we have collected is stored electronically. If you submit details to be on our mailing list we will only send appropriate communications and your details are never passed onto third parties. We are committed to ensuring the privacy and security of the information provided.
Newhaven Wealth and your financial adviser are committed to implementing and promoting a privacy policy, which will ensure the privacy and security of your personal information. Please ask your financial adviser if you wish to obtain a copy of the privacy policy.
It is important to note that in order to best meet your needs and provide you with financial services and advice, your financial adviser may need to disclose your personal information to other parties. Typically these parties may include fund managers, life companies, related entities and other licensees. Similarly your financial adviser may bring to your attention products and services or other information which may be relevant to your situation. You will be given the opportunity to choose whether you wish to receive such information.
Professional Indemnity Insurance
Newhaven Wealth maintains a Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance policy. This insurance covers advice, actions and recommendations which have been authorised by Newhaven Wealth to be provided by your adviser. These arrangements satisfy the requirements imposed by the Corporations Act 2001 and financial services regulations. It provides cover for claims made against us and our representatives / employees including claims in relation to the conduct of representatives/employees who no longer work for us but who did so at the time of the relevant conduct.
What should you do if you have a complaint?
If you have any complaints about the services provided to you, or personal information held, you should take the following steps:
Newhaven Wealth is serious about providing a quality service and is a member of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA is an independent body which can deal with complaints against its members. If you have any complaint about the service provided to you, you should take the following steps:
Contact your Authorised Representative and tell them about your complaint.
If your complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within seven days, please contact the Head of Compliance at Newhaven Wealth in writing to Level 5, 180 Albert Road South Melbourne Vic 3205. Newhaven Wealth will try and resolve your complaint quickly and fairly.
If you still do not get a satisfactory outcome within 45 days, then you can raise your concerns with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers. AFCA can be contacted on freecall: 1800 931 678, email: info@afca.org.au, Online: www.afca.org.au or by post at GPO Box 3, Melbourne, Vic. 3001.
The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) also has a free call Info line on 1300 300 630 which you may use to make a complaint and obtain information about your rights.
This Financial Services Guide was prepared and issued by Newhaven Wealth (AFSL number 422120) on 15 August 2020 as Version 1.00
Newhaven Wealth
Australian Financial Services Licensee